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The 1st RGT Mastermind
is a very limited group
The reason this is limited is because I will be introducing many new programs and you will be the sounding block. You will be in the front row of a new learning model, remarkable new scientific knowledge on how mind communicates, tips on new ways to see a difference, better ways to influenced of course some knowledge on images. Why because that is how the mind works. The only thing I require is that you participate. If you don't you will be removed from the group. If you are just looking for one of my projects they will be released in due time.
So if your are interested in this RGT Mastermind Group please take the time to explain your interests and/or background in any of these subjects: Imagery (photography, art, graphics), neurology, education, persuasion (sales), and/or Artificial Intelligence.
This as much of a think tank as it is a mastermind group. You don't need to have a doctor's degree (I don't) just a clear and open mind that is curious. ~RGT~
Email me your response to with the subject line "RGT Mastermind."
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